Getting Married in the Parish of Mossman/Port Douglas

The sacrament of Marriage

The Christian church teaches that:

·         Marriage is a gift of God our creator.

·         It is a symbol of God's unending love for his people, and of the union between Christ and his Church.

·         Marriage is a lifelong partnership uniting a woman and a man in heart, mind and body. In the joy of their union, husband and wife enrich and respond to each other, growing in tenderness and understanding.

·         Through marriage a new family is formed, where children may be born and grow in secure and loving care

·         Marriage is therefore to be honoured by all. No one should enter it lightly or selfishly, but responsibly and joyfully, with mutual respect and the promise to be faithful.

(A Prayer Book for Australia 1995)  


If you share this view of marriage, then we invite you to consider celebrating your wedding day with us at St Andrew's  


The first step will be to contact the Rector and make an appointment to discuss dates and times. There are many things you need to arrange before your wedding day, but keep in mind that the wedding day is not an end in itself. The wedding day itself is only the beginning!


Are there any special requirements?

Yes, there are some requirements under Church and civil law which govern all marriages, and it is important to check that you comply with these:

Both parties to the marriage must be at least 18 years old, and at least one must be a Baptised Christian in order for you to be married in the Church.

The legal notice of marriage must be completed and given to your Celebrant at least one month and one day, and not more than eighteen months, before the marriage takes place, regardless of where you marry in Australia.

Original copies of your birth certificates (or passports for those born overseas) must be sighted.  


One of us has been divorced. Does that make a difference?

Divorced persons who wish to remarry in the Church need the permission of the Archbishop or Regional Bishop.

The Vicar will need to apply for such permission before a booking can be confirmed at the Church.


Can we have our own Minister or Priest?

It is a requirement that the person who administers the wedding vows and signs the marriage certificate is an Anglican Priest who has the authorisation of both the Rector of the Parish and the Bishop of of the Diocese.

Under most circumstances a parish will be happy to extend hospitality to other Anglican clergy to officiate. Please discuss this with the Rector before making any arrangements.

Ministers of other churches may also be invited to take part in the service, but would not be able to administer the wedding vows or sign the documents.


What should I do now?

The first thing to do is contact the Rector of the Parish on 4098 2672. The Rector will be able to guide you through the steps that need to be completed to have your special day here with us.

You might also like to take a look at our information sheet to give you some idea of what is required. You can download it here.